Halifax, the capital of the province of Nova Scotia, is a beautiful waterfront city on the east coast. Fill your weekend with whale watching, museums, day trips, lobster, public gardens and more!

Halifax, the capital of the province of Nova Scotia, is a beautiful waterfront city on the east coast. Fill your weekend with whale watching, museums, day trips, lobster, public gardens and more!
Iceland is a beautiful country to visit year round. Here’s a 4-day itinerary to get a taste of all Iceland has to offer!
Travelling Iceland is hard on a budget but definitely do-able if you plan accordingly. Continue reading for some tips on saving money AND get the most out of the money you do spend!
St. Patrick’s Day is a yearly holiday on March 17. The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish. Read on for a complete list of tips to help you enjoy this festival in Dublin!
I’m definitely in the Christmas spirit now. These cute Christmas Markets are the best way to ring in the holiday season.