Budget Travel

My preferred method of travelling is budget travel. All this means is I pre-plan a budget for a trip and try to stay within it! It also means I get the most bang for my buck and leave my vacation feeling like I had a blast but also got to do, see and eat a lot. A budget doesn't have to limit your choices while travelling. It can include more expensive activities if that's what you're interested in. Preparing a travel budget gives you peace of mind that you have the money for the things you want to do on a vacation.

Here you'll find a variety of blog posts to help you with budgeting for your own travels: Exact budget breakdowns of my own trips (always excluding tips, dates and in local currency where possible); Tips for creating a budget; Recommendations for places to get the most out of your budget; and more!

I like to consider myself a frugal person: going for quality but using methods to save money where possible. Instead of being cheap: buying the least expensive option regardless of quality.

Ultimately, your travel budget should reflect what YOU want to get out of a trip. Ways to save money while travelling is to buy groceries instead of eating out, but that doesn't work for someone who wants to explore the local cuisine as much as possible. Another way to save money is to stay at hostels but you may prioritize having your own space. All you need to do is consider what YOU want to do and budget accordingly!