Miradouro de Santa Luzia in Lisbon. A terrace with blue and white tiles lining the sides of the walls with a pergola overhead. To the right is the sprawling city of Lisbon with a yellow sunrise overhead.

The Best Travel Insurance for Budget Travellers

As much as you can plan for a trip, it’s a great idea to be prepared for the unpredictable. There’s likely to be something that comes up that you didn’t anticipate. These may include: a fun excursion you didn’t plan on taking, an expensive night out with new friends you met in a hostel or getting sick and needing to visit a hospital. There are plenty of ways to protect yourself, and travel medical insurance is one of the great ways to do so! While there are many companies that offer a variety of coverage plans, soNomad provides travel insurance for budget travellers!

I’ve always purchased travel medical insurance for all my international trips, and I recommend you do too! I’ve been lucky enough to not have to use it (yet!), but I feel much better about being covered if I need it. With budget friendly insurance plans from soNomad, there’s really no downside to incorporating the cost of medical travel insurance in your international budget.

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by soNomad.

What is Covered by Travel Medical Insurance?

Typically, travel medical insurance will reimburse you for emergency medical expenses during a trip. If you are unexpectedly sick or injured, you can be protected by a plan. This may include: emergency medical services, ambulance services, hospitalization, physicians, and more. soNomad offers affordable single-trip plans. Even better, they also offer travel insurance for budget travellers with a multi-trip plan (for even more bang for your buck!).

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you can still be covered, but not under every plan. Let your insurer know if you have a pre-existing condition to find the best coverage for your travels.

Who Needs Travel Medical Insurance?

Everyone! You never know when you’re going to need medical assistance when travelling abroad, so it’s better to be safe than sorry! Some international destinations are more costly than others. You may have an unforeseen accident (like a fall or motor vehicle accident), need to visit the hospital to be treated for an illness, or need medication to treat something you’ve contracted! Since you can’t plan to be sick, make sure you’re covered by a plan before you hop on that plane. I’ve seen so many travellers post about being sick while on vacation, so chances are it might happen to you at some point, too!

Even if you have health insurance, it’s a good idea to purchase travel medical insurance. Many health insurance plans won’t cover you outside of Canada or provide limited coverage abroad. An out-of-pocket medical expense can be more expensive than you think!

It’s also important to note that proof of medical insurance is required before being granted entry to some countries, and for some types of trips. If you plan on taking a cruise, or use a tour operator, you’ll likely need to provide proof of insurance! Make sure to research this beforehand and include the cost of travel medical insurance in your budget.

Read more: Travel Budget: How to Plan and Save for your Vacation

How to Use Medical Insurance Abroad?

Take note of your policy, and how to receive care! soNomad has a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand what you need to do in an emergency. This includes the requirement to contact emergency assistance before seeking care!

Be Prepared for Unforeseen Events

You never know when something you didn’t anticipate pops up when you’re travelling. For example, years ago I was biking in Strasbourg, France and lost control of my bike and ended up in a ditch. I ripped my jeans and had a few scrapes from the accident! Even though I didn’t end up needing medical attention, I would have been taken care of if I did. Looking back, I’m glad that I wasn’t hurt but also that I wasn’t stuck with an expensive medical bill in France. Providers like soNomad are changing the game for travel insurance, especially for budget travellers.

I hate to admit it, but used to get sick on almost every international trip I’ve taken. I have taken steps to get sick less, like bringing Clorox wipes for the plan/buses/trains, bringing a travel hand sanitizer and getting plenty of sleep when I can. However, any one of those times might have been something more serious. I was happy to have travel medical insurancehttps://www.sonomad.com/travel-medical-insurance?pCode=Darcie every time!

I put together a list of travel costs that have happened to me over the years in another blog post. Costs range from as little as $50, to almost $3,500 (which luckily I ended up not having to pay). However, I’ve been fortunate enough so far to not have to use my medical insurance!

Read more: Unexpected Travel Costs

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